22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
1st September 2024, Year B
This Week's Services:
Remember that you can livestream the St Teilo's webcam at any time.
Act of Spiritual Communion:
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.
I love you above all things and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever.
Key: (S) St Bride's, Saundersfoot; (T) St Teilo's, Tenby
Saturday 31 August
10am (T) Mass
10:30-11:15am (T) Confessions
5:30pm (T) Vigil Mass
Sunday 1 September, 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
9:30am (S) Mass
11am (T) Mass
Monday 2 September
No Mass, but St Teilo's open 9am-5pm for private prayer.
Tuesday 3 September
No Mass, but St Teilo's open 9am-5pm for private prayer.
Wednesday 4 September
No Mass, but St Teilo's open 9am-5pm for private prayer.
Thursday 5 September
No Mass, but St Teilo's open 9am-5pm for private prayer.
Friday 6 September
No Mass, but St Teilo's open 9am-5pm for private prayer.
Saturday 7 September (First Saturday Devotions)
No morning Mass or Confessions
5:30pm (T) Vigil Mass
Sunday 8 September, 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
9:30am (S) Mass
11am (T) Mass
A Prayer for Peace
Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the true King of peace.
In You alone is found freedom.
Please free our world from conflict.
Bring unity to troubled nations.
Let Your glorious peace reign in every heart.
Dispel all darkness and evil.
Protect the dignity of every human life.
Replace hatred with Your love.
Give wisdom to world leaders.
Free them from selfish ambition.
Eliminate all violence and war.
Glorious Virgin Mary,
Saint Michael the Archangel,
Every angel and saint:
Please pray for peace.
Pray for unity amongst nations.
Pray for unity amongst all people.
Pray for the most vulnerable.
Pray for those suffering.
Pray for the fearful.
Pray for those most in need.
Pray for us all.
Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear our prayers.
Jesus, I trust in You!
St Teilo's School and Teilo Tots
Saint Teilo’s is a Catholic Primary School, located in the heart of the resort of Tenby. We have a dedicated and enthusiastic staff that strives constantly to provide the best possible education for our pupils.
Watch our bilingual guide to our patron, St Teilo!
For more information, see: St Teilo's school and Teilo Tots pre-school.
A Prayer for our Diocese
Almighty and eternal God, give us the grace and strength to carry out the work entrusted to us in the Diocese of Menevia. Bless our families and our parishes. You call men and women from our families to serve you as priests, deacons and in the religious life. May we read the signs of these vocations in others and help them to follow you. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
World Apostolate of Fatima
Thank you to the World Apostolate of Fatima for England & Wales for their spiritually enriching visits to the parish in 2023 and 2024.
Please visit their website for more information on the importance of the message of Fatima, and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
See also our own information on the Rosary and the
Temporary Presbytery Phone
Due to a problem with the landline at the Presbytery, please use this temporary mobile number:
07467 381231
Ironman traffic restrictions
On Sunday 22nd September, due to traffic restrictions in place for the Ironman event, there will be no Mass at St Bride's, Saundersfoot. The 9:30am Sunday morning Mass is replaced by Mass at 4pm on Saturday afternoon in St Bride's.
Announcement from Fr Mansel
It was announced at Mass on the weekend of 27th/28th July that I will be taking a break from my parish ministry. I have now begun that break.
Thank you for your continuing prayers and support which mean so much to me. They will, I am sure with the help of God's grace, allow me to return to you very soon. Thank you to my brother priests who will be supplying at the weekends I am away. I know you will make them all very welcome. I will pray for you all in my daily prayers and Mass.
God bless you all, and thank you.
Fr Mansel.
100 Club
Supporting fundraising for our Parish. Monthly prizes and Christmas Super-Draw. £24 per year. Please join this fun fundraiser by completing and returning the form available in the porch and here.
Executive Headteacher Vacancy
The governing body of the Mary Immaculate and St Teilo's Federation are readvertising for an Executive Headteacher at an increased salary scale. Details here
Unification of Menevia and Cardiff
Archbishop Mark O'Toole is very grateful to all who took part in the Listening Process. He has now sent a dossier based on the information gathered to the Papal Nuncio who will forward it to the Holy Father, Pope Francis in Rome. The full dossier will be released in September. Here you can read the summary statistics on the straw polling that was taken about unification, together with a synopsis of the themes that emerged through the ‘Conversations in the Spirit’.
The Year of Jubilee 2025
The Holy Father has decided that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years. The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”, and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and a climate crisis. This year, 2024, is a preparatory year of prayer for the Jubilee Year, and the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have produced resources for this preparatory year of prayer, focusing on the Our Father, as well as resources about Jubilee in the Catholic Church. For use by parishes, priests, religious, laypeople, and more, these resources will help guide you as you ready yourself for this most vital year in the Church’s life.
Adoremus Eucharistic Congress
St Mary's College, Oscott, Sunday 15th September. Our Deanery has been allocated 11 tickets for the Adoremus event. These will cost £30, which includes coach transport. The coach will depart from Carmarthen at 6:30am, with pickups in Swansea and Port Talbot. The coach will make the return trip, leaving Oscott at 6pm. Tickets for this event will be allocated by ballot. If you are interested please submit your name by Sunday 14th July.
Looking Ahead
There will be a trip to the Old Railway Line Garden Centre on 07 December. £20 per person. A sign up sheet is located in the porch. This is a really popular trip, so early booking is essential. Any questions, please contact Laura Tomp.
Ladies Guild
Calling all cooks and bakers! The Ladies Guild are planning to do a parish cookbook. If you have a favourite recipe to share, please give it to Laura Tomp or email it to eplaura@aol.com. Thanks!
A course in the Catholic Faith based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Monday evenings (except 1st Mondays) from 6.30pm in the hall. All welcome. ​
Pilgrimage to Fatima
11th – 15th October 2024. £850 per person. Single room supplement £102 per person. Coach travel to Heathrow airport £92.50 per person; Gatwick £121.25 per person (based on 20 persons travelling). Please sign your name on the sheet in the porch if you are interested in making this pilgrimage.
Faith in the Family
Fr Mansel recommends this series of short videos on Faith in the Family from St Anthony Communications.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Please complete and return the Request For Confirmation form. Confirmations will take place between Easter and July 2024. Candidates for the Sacrament are to be 11 years old or older, baptised Catholic and have received First Holy Communion. Also, and importantly, candidates will have been regularly participating and continue to regularly participate in Sunday Mass in the Parish of Tenby. Closing date for submission of names is Sunday 22nd October.​​​
Pembrokeshire Food Bank
Regular donations can be put in the porch at Church and will be taken to the Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity.
Otherwise, please consider donating financially on the Pembrokeshire Foodbank website and don't forget to enable Gift Aid if you are eligible.
​St Vincent de Paul Society
If anyone would like a friendly contact to talk to, especially in times of isolation, you can reach out to two members of the SVP in Haverfordwest:
Gustavo 01834 861322
Don 01437 763711
Useful links
Single Points of Contact
Please see list of contacts.
Catholic Singles
Newsletter Email Subscription
Notice that we have a button on this page to subscribe to an email alert when the newsletter is published, and from which you can download it directly. Please sign up!